jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015

Meeting Monday September 22th

On Monday my team and I had a meeting in which we discussed the current state of our game and what we are going to focus on as we move forward. Since the story is pretty much established I started exploring the Unreal Blueprint system to create the game logic. From information that I took from different tutorials I created the Blueprints for a character from scratch and added some functionality to different objects. I also started developing the user interface for displaying the health and energy of the character as well as the logic behind the inventory and item pick up.

During the meeting Jon presented the level layout that he has been working on in unreal. He made a big green mountain, started to play with the water and lava textures and made a preliminary sketch of how the world is going to be organized. We also discussed new mechanic that could add survival aspect of the game, to me survival experience more real.

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